Sell in Vietnam

Top 10 Website To Find Vietnam Suppliers in All Major

Ngoc Lee
Top 10 Website To Find Vietnam Suppliers in All Major
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The manufacturing industry in Vietnam has been growing in recent years, it is very easy for you to find the right supplier, but it is still not as easy as in other developed countries and there are still many barriers. One of the most difficult aspects of identifying suppliers in Vietnam is the country's fragmented business landscape. 

Although Vietnam has the third-fastest expanding economy in the world, that does not mean that there are no challenges or difficulties in this market. Even so, there are still several services ready to assist you. This article gathers 10 website to find Vietnam suppliers in all majors you should know.

Yes Asia (Vietnam Manufacturers) - #1 website to find Vietnam suppliers

Yes Asia (Vietnam Manufacturers) - #1 website to find Vietnam suppliers
Yes Asia - Vietnam Supplier

Yes Asia is a provider of consulting services and advertising services for a variety of industries in Vietnam. Established in 2009, the company is currently publishing a directory of businesses working in Vietnam, which includes the magazine Vietnam Manufacturers, as well as in many other countries in the region of Southeast Asia. The company's goal is currently concentrating on extending its customers to include IT companies., e-commerce and banks. 

In addition, Yes Asia regularly organizes trade events in Vietnam for key industries such as paper, rubber, packaging, water treatment and plastic production to promote the development of business as well as entice more international investment sources. 

Primary Services

  • Company Listings
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Commercialization
  • Promotional material
  • IT Development, Apps

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • No certificates or test reports
  • No registered capital
  • No legal representative

Additional information

Registration year: 2009

Headquarters are located at 19A Keong Saik Road in Singapore

Vietnam Yellow Pages - Supplier From Vietnam

Vietnam Yellow Pages
Vietnam Yellow Pages - Supplier From Vietnam

 The Vietnam Yellow Pages were created as a directory containing important information about businesses in the Vietnamese manufacturing industry. This website currently divides its activities into two segments: International Yellow Pages and Vietnam Yellow Pages. There are four websites in the Vietnamese Yellow Pages business scope that provide information on over 250,000 enterprises from all industries, including trade, manufacturing, and retailing. These websites display over a million goods and process tens of thousands of transactions:

  • yellowpages.vnn.vn
  • nhungtrangvang.net
  • trangvangvietnam.com
  • niengiamtrangvang.com

Furthermore, Vietnam Yellow Pages publishes an annual periodical called Vietnam Yellow Pages, which provides 15,000 essential and important information about businesses as well as freight forwarding and transaction information. You can look up a lot of useful information so that you can have future business plans. The International Yellow Pages Book and The International Yellow Pages website (yellowpagesvn.com) are both parts of the International Yellow Pages. 

The International Yellow Pages, like the Vietnam Yellow Pages, provide a large number of company listings and allow international corporations to interact with local Vietnamese organizations for additional commercial prospects. . These two media also help you update the latest information on import and export, trade as well as the overall economic situation of Vietnam.

Key Product Categories

  • Electronics
  • Textile
  • Toys
  • Sportswear
  • Food and beverages
  • Household products
  • Gifts
  • Wooden products
  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Computer hardware
  • Furniture

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Business Purpose: Yes
  • Incorporation Year:Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Representative in the Court: No
  • Certificates and test results: No

Additional information

  • Website Address: yellowpagesvn.com
  • Registration year: 2010.
  • HQ Address: 94 Luong Yen St., Bach Dang Ward, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6th Floor, Vinafood 1 Building

Vietnam Export Portal - Supplier In Vietnam

Vietnam Export Portal
Vietnam Export Portal - Supplier In Vietnam

Vietnam Export Portal is a website launched in 2012 funded by the Multilateral Trade Support Project (EU-Vietnam MUTRAP III) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam. The website's objective is to encourage export activities while improving the and efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises in the growth of Vietnamese manufacturing. 

The Vietnam Export Portal is currently providing a list of major suppliers in the manufacturing industry in Vietnam, including drinks and food, agricultural products, chemicals, electronics, footwear, wood products, wood products, textiles, and other industries. 

Moreover, you can get economic information, topography and import and export situations of all cities in Vietnam when you use this application. The Vietnam Export Portal also includes a directory of verified exporters., which must be validated by the Authentication and Verification (A&V) process, includes 17 vital information fields, allowing traders to make informed decisions when choosing manufacturers and suppliers in Vietnam. 

Main Product Groups

  • Footwear and leather
  • Handicrafts
  • Garments and textiles
  • Paper
  • Pepper
  • Foods and beverages
  • Wooden products
  • Coffee
  • Cashew nuts

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Representative in the Court: Yes
  • Business Scope: Yes
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes

Additional information

  • Registration year: 2012
  • Website: en.vietnamexport.com
  • Headquarters are located at 25 Ngo Quyen Street in the Hoan Kiem District of Hanoi, Vietnam

Vnr500 - Vietnam Suppliers

VNR500 - Vietnam Suppliers

VNR500 - ranked 500 largest enterprises in Vietnam according to the Fortune 500 model. This ranking is based on the results of independent investigation and research according to international standards of Vietnam Report Company and is published annually by VietNamNet newspaper, starting from 2007. The consulting team of this website is also knowledgeable people, especially Professor John Quelch, Former Vice President of Harvard Business School. The mission of this website is: “VNR500 RANKING - an honorary enterprise that contributes to the development of Vietnam's manufacturing industry. Enterprises contribute to the development of Vietnamese commerce and popularize quality businesses to the community.

Main Product Groups

  • Electronic device
  • electricity
  • Oil and Gas
  • telecommunications industry
  • Petroleum
  • mineral
  • agriculture
  • Industrial production

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: Yes
  • Business Scope: Yes

Additional information

  • Website address: vnr500.com.vn
  • Address: Room 205, Villa E, No. 3 Thanh Cong, Ba Dinh District, City. Hanoi

Global Manufacturers (GMDU) - Vietnam Manufacturing Companies

GMDU - Vietnam Manufacturing Companies

Global Manufacturers (GMDU) was founded in 2008 with the aim of serving its users as a complete leading information and trading platform. This platform will satisfy the needs of global manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers and buyers worldwide. Using Global Manufacturers (GMDU), you can upload information about buying and selling. 

On the website, there is a wealth of information from profiles to details about suppliers, manufacturers and retailers from over 150 different nations and areas across five continents. You can use the website as a tool to answer questions, place orders, or negotiate by searching for supplier data and information, product descriptions, specifications, images, update times and terms of delivery. Although the focus of the website is not the Vietnamese market, they also have more than 11,000 large and small Vietnamese enterprises listed on GMDU.

Major Product Groups

  • Clothes
  • Agriculture
  • Electronic
  • Agent service
  • Construction
  • Food & Beverage
  • Furniture
  • Gift
  • Manufacturing industries
  • Skin-use equipment

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: No

Additional information

  • Registration year: 2008
  • Website address: gmdu.net
  • Headquarters are in Porter Ranch, California, in the US

ASEM Connect Vietnam - Vietnam Supplier

Asem Connect Vietnam
Asem Connect Vietnam - Vietnam Supplier

ASEM has been operating since 2001 under the official supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade under Decision No. 3849/VPCP-KTTH. At the same time, ASEM Connect Vietnam is the official website chosen by WTO to represent, increase and promote trade exchange and trade activities in the field of the manufacturing industry in Vietnam on a global scale. 

Coming to ASEM, you will be provided with a complete list of services and companies in Vietnam. Food, seafood, textiles and wood products are among the ingredients offered on this website. In addition to providing information, ASEM also offers consulting services in areas such as banking, accounting, tax, audit, housing, human resources and industrial hygiene.

Main Product Groups

  • Leather products
  • Textiles
  • Food and beverages
  • Plastic products
  • Wooden products
  • Aquatic products
  • Packaging service
  • Agricultural products

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: Yes

Additional information

  • Website address: asemconnectvietnam.gov.cn
  • Registration year: 2001
  • Headquarters are in the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Building, No. 655 Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi

Zip Leaf - Supplier From Vietnam

Zipleaf - Supplier From Vietnam

ZipLeaf is a website with an online listing directory for almost any service and type of goods. ZipLeaf currently offers company search services in the following countries: Vietnam, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Jamaica, Ireland, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States. 

ZipLeaf is capable of providing businesses as well as users with the information they need such as the official website, contact information and product specifications and product specifications, as well as detailed descriptions. and images of more than 80 product categories such as leather goods, food and beverage, electronics, footwear, furniture and textiles....

Main Product Groups

  • Furniture
  • Footwear
  • Packaging products
  • Machinery
  • Beverages and food
  • Agricultural products

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: Yes

Other information

  • Website address: vn.zipleaf.com
  • Registration year: 2014
  • Headquarters are in Castle St, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Global Sources - Supplier In Vietnam

Global Sources
Global Sources - supplier in vietnam

Global Sources is a company founded in 1971. Over the past half-century, they have created a large network of B2B services in 14 countries and continents, linking millions of suppliers, manufacturers and customers, among them including Vietnam. Global Sources started by giving business information in a factual format and since then they have expanded to organize seminars and trade shows throughout Asia in major shopping malls such as Shanghai, Hong Kong, Sai Gon and Jakarta. 

In 50 years of operation, Global Sources has had a large user base attracting more than 1.5 million buyers in 240 countries and territories. In particular, 94 out of 100 of the world's 100 largest retailers are currently using Global Sources' services and collecting information about the firm while operating the company. 

Not only that, Global Sources provides users with a high-end "Supplier Verification Process" also for Vietnamese businesses. With this service, verified suppliers' company profile data is verified by a third-party impartial agency through highly respected government agencies around the world. This makes it more dependable than data and information about suppliers that are not certified by the authorities.

Main Product Groups

  • Gifts
  • Textiles
  • Electronics
  • Household products

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: Yes
  • Business Scope: Yes

Additional information

  • Website address: globalsources.com
  • Registration Year: 1971
  • Headquarters are on 21st Floor, Vita Tower, 29 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Alibaba Vietnam Pavilion - Vietnam Suppliers

Alibaba Vietnam Pavilion
Alibaba Vietnam Pavilion - Vietnam Suppliers

Currently, Alibaba.com is not yet a local partner in Vietnam. However, you can understand that they are one of the most comprehensive directories of Vietnamese suppliers. Alibaba Vietnam can provide information related to ảound 80,000 Vietnamese suppliers and items such as furniture, coffee, seafood, food and fruit, spices, herbs and cereals. 

According to a report by Alibaba Vietnam, fruits and herbs account for 12 percent of the company's total sales. Besides the most popular items in Vietnam, they also provide product inspection services, trade services, and value-added services for sellers and suppliers. Therefore, Alibaba is an extremely potential website to exploit and apply in the working process.

Main Product Groups

  • Crafts
  • Home furniture
  • Hair extensions
  • Grain
  • Coffee
  • Seafood
  • Herbs and spices products

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: Yes

Additional information

  • Website address: vietnam.alibaba.com
  • Registration Year: 1997
  • Headquarters are on No. 969 West Wenyi Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Panjiva - Vietnam Manufacturing Companies

Panjiva - vietnam manufacturing companies

This is a page that gives import and export data information from the United States and many other nations via bill of lading data (also known as customs data). Panjiva.com allows you to look for, interact with, and check possible trading partners as well as real delivery histories. What role does the international bill of lading data play in the import and export industries? Import and export data, also known as a bill of lading data, assist import and export enterprises in understanding transaction status and international trade information for each unique product on the global market. 

The primary advantages of data import and export - Locating new and potential consumers - Determining the appropriate markets and segments - Obtaining new consumers - Monitoring and assessing rivals' deals - Quickly identifying product trends.

Main Product Groups

  • Household products
  • Home furniture
  • Grain
  • Seafood
  • Electronics
  • Agriculture

Data on Available Suppliers

  • Address of the Company: Yes
  • Catalog of Products: Yes
  • Incorporation Year: Yes
  • Capital Registered: No
  • Certificates/Test Reports: Yes
  • Business Scope: Yes
  • Representative in the Court: Yes

Additional information

  • Website address: panjiva.com
  • HQ Location is at 55 Water St,  New York(HQ),NY

>> Learn more: Top 10 Vietnam Hair Vendor and Supplier

>> Learn more: Top 10 Vietnam Wholesale Websites in 2024


Finding and cooperating with a reasonable supplier in Vietnam will be a stepping stone to the future success of the business. Therefore, the role of home search support services provided in Vietnam is relatively large. And through the last article, you got an overview of 10 websites that will help you find information about Vietnamese suppliers that you can refer to.

Ngoc LeeNgoc Lee is an Content Creator Manager at EFEX. She wields her long-term expertise in Logistics and Supply Chain, harnessing her top-notch writing and research skills to bring incredibly valuable content. Whether you're a small startup or a well-established enterprise, Ngoc Lee is here to equip you with the essential knowledge of e-commerce, fulfillment, and all things business-related.