Warehouse Management

What Is Backflush in SAP? How To Deal With Backflush SAP

What Is Backflush in SAP? How To Deal With Backflush SAP

You must apply a method known as backflushing if you want your automated goods receipt or good problems to further outcome in a reduction in the manual interference and doing so by applying an instinctive operation in the relevant system.

The backflush would need to be automatically activated if you wanted the items to be run in the right manner. Additionally, you will be able to complete the order by immediately activating the backflush.

So, what exactly is backflush in SAP?

Backflush in SAP
Backflush in SAP

Blackflush SAP Definition

The term "backflushing" is among the most deceptive. The following useful definition of backflushing is provided by inventory operations.

Simply said, the word "backflushing" is misused and misleading to refer to a procedure for distributing materials to manufacturing orders once an operation's production is finished.

So what does backflush mean in SAP? Backflushing is a technique for separating the production process from the process of issuing goods. When particular circumstances are satisfied, which are often present in repeated production, this is specified in SAP ERP.

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Backflushing in SAP definition
Backflushing in SAP definition

Large amounts of finished items are frequently kept in a situation in which they have not been given by establishing backflushing in SAP ERP. You'll discover how to configure backflushing in SAP ERP and what the operational requirements are.

SAP APO and SAP ERP backflushing

In SAP ERR, backflushing can be configured in 3 places.

  • At the BOM
  • At the material
  • At the routing

By establishing the backflush indication at the material level, a business is able to configure backflushing for the whole OM or just the BOM levels.

Backflushing is totally carried out in SAP ERP and is a feature of execution rather than planning, hence it is inaccurate to consider it as an APO functionality for businesses who employ SAP APO with SAP ERP.

Although backflushing is more frequently performed in repeated manufacturing, additional functionality is not added during the repetitive manufacture of backflushing. Instead, when SAP ERP is configured for discrete production, backflushing is carried out in a redundant arrangement differently.

How to Avoid Backflush in SAP

There are several causes for backlogs.

When backflushing the BOM Material, this warning informs you that there are insufficient stocks for BOM components or cannot backflush all of the material because plant data is locked. As a result, a post-processing list is produced that you must re-process for updating the stock of each material.

You can confirm the relevant info to prevent this:

  1. Make sure there is enough stock for each material's backflushing sites.
  2. If there is insufficient stock for the BOM components at the designated location, you can prohibit the BOM from being backflushed to avoid the formation of a "post-processing list." In the MRP4 display for the BOM (Bill of Material), modify the "REM profile" to "002" to accomplish this (if the profile is not already available, you can create it using SPRO).
  3. To reprocess the existing backlog, use transaction MF47 (make sure that the necessary stock for every component of the BOM is accessible)

Backflush Advantage

Backflush Advantage
Backflush Advantage

Benefit #1: An indiscriminate scrap percentage

In some production circumstances, the quantity of scrap is not known until the job is done. Backflushing will therefore offer higher inventory accuracy for production processes with substantial and changing scrap percentages.

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Benefit #2: For situations involving long production lines

For lengthy production runs, such as those seen in repeated industrial operations, backflushing is preferable. Days or weeks prior to they are needed, preproduction posting removes the items from the on-hand inventory balance and deposits their monetary worth into a WIP account.

WIP is difficult to track, though. It is assumed that posting amounts occur during the run at regular intervals rather than at the finish. Once again for an industrial setting that is repetitious and uses bulk materials.

The Basics of Backflush Logic

If you are a newcomer to the PP team, you might first struggle to comprehend the logic behind backflushing. Even if you are aware of the potential locations, you cannot picture how it would actually work. We now want to discuss with you the fundamental effects of this setting.

The key information is:

  • A component will be submitted inside the confirmation if it is configured to backflush.
  • If you confirm, for instance, operation 10, the system will first determine which components are allocated to operation 10 before choosing the allotted material and backflushing it after the goods movement.
  • We must specify this allocation since it is crucial to know which components go with which action.
  • When neither connection is inserted here, the system will automatically add both components from the allocated BOM to the first valid operation (New Assignment button).

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Key Takeaway

After all, backflush in SAP is simply post processing problems of the material. Here's the brief key takeaway for this topic today:

  • 3 separate SAP ERP sections allow you to configure backflushing.
  • Since backflushing is an execution operation rather than a planning function, it belongs under ERP rather than APO.
  • The repetitious manufacturing process usually calls for backflushing.
  • Nevertheless, SAP ERP does not offer further capabilities for repeated production including backflushing. Instead, when SAP ERP is configured for discrete production, backflushing is carried out differently in a repeated arrangement.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. We hope you find this piece of information helpful for you! Hope you have a good time with Efex.

Liam JohnsonLiam's professional journey began in inventory control, where he developed a keen understanding of the complexities involved in managing stock levels and forecasting demand. His transition into fulfillment management allowed him to apply his skills in a dynamic environment.

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